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Showing posts from March, 2020

Spring Photo Challenge for my students

Tomorrow is the first day of Spring! The teachers at my school are challenging our school families on the school  FB page each day to connect. I personally challenged the kids to take photographs that express SPRING. The parents will upload in the comments of my video to share on Facebook. I used the app Clips on my iPad Pro to create the video challenge.  After all of the rain we have had, the sun came out and  I went on a nature walk today and took some photos, edited and used Pic Collage,  a free app to make my SPRING photo. It was refreshing to see so many families out at lunch time!

10 Art Activities for families to do at home

Children are so sensitive to change, and unfortunately most of them are not in school right now.  ART is the one activity that we can do with children to lessen their fears, explore new art making techniques,  read about artists and history.. and have fun at home! My classroom is empty this week... but I am sharing this list of 10 activities for my students to explore while they are at home with their families. Here are ten diverse art activities that families can do together.   I am encouraging my younger students to create an art journal to organize their art at home too! 27 Art Activities and Lessons Daily Lunch Doodles with Mo Williams Robot Week with Cassie Stephens Deep Space Sparkle 12 Museums around the World Art for Kids Hub National Gallery of Art for Kids Art Zone This is Sand Storyline Online Want to make a sketchbook? Here is just one suggestion..... How to make a Sketchbook to org...