I love this book, Totem Tale , the culture and images are wonderful and perfect for first grade artists. I also put together a power point showing actual Totem Poles in Alaska and Washington. There are many books available on the subject too on Amazon or in your library. On the first day the student's created the totem drawings. Each student got a 9"x 6" sheet of construction paper. They picked two 4 1/2" x 6" pieces to glue stick onto the larger paper. I pulled out all of my "How To Draw" animal and nature books and worksheets and let them draw any three animals they were inspired to draw. The animals are very symbolic in Native American culture. We traced with sharpie and used construction paper to color. On day two, they finished coloring and picked three fat wooden sticks. They added pattern's to both sides of the sticks, after all it is a sculpture! I hot glued the paper to the paper towel tube...