Sometimes my lessons are seasonally appropriate.
The ice in North Texas has finally melted but while it was here this week,
I was teaching my 2nd grade student's about Fredrick Church's magnificent painting,
This was the view from our school this past week........... our icebergs.
Burr.... using our new Prang cool colors, the student's painted
a frozen background landscape the first day.
On the second day, we created icebergs on a separate sheet of white paper using texture plates and cool colored crayons. They cut out the icebergs, and the objective was to have
background, middle ground and foreground icebergs.
The last half hour was student driven. I had a station set up with Arctic animal drawing sheets, books, small cut pieces of paper, (proportion) glue sticks, colored pencils and fine sharpies.
They were in Animal Heaven! Stay warm!