If you watch the news then you know we have had record rain here in North Texas for the month of May. The gardens are growing in and outside of the classroom, but enough is enough! My fifth graders just finished these amazing one day pinch pots.... They used Sax underglaze with a clear coat to finish last week. It is hard to get the clay to dry out and find a non stormy day to run the kiln this month! We have had 3 inches of rain on Saturday.... not to mention the amount falling right now. my little garden is lush... but it needs some sunlight to ripen the tomatoes. Third Grade is working on their last project.... We looked at Rufino Tamayo's paintings and drew repeated slices with oil pastels. 12 x 18 white sulfite paper Sax tempera cakes love these...I know I pinned this idea from Pinterest but can't find the pin.. Thanks to whoever originally posted this...