Why??? Because of these guys and a few more amazing art buddies too!
Laura Grundler from #k12artchat and who happens to be my boss lady too,
buddied up with the most amazing Cassie Stephens.
Laura and her Dallas team spent many long hours preparing for this state event.
She told me she wanted everyone to have fun and learn from Cassie about how she found her
Passion as a teacher and artist!
Cassie was our keynote speaker and presenter on Saturday
at TAEA's conference here in Dallas this past weekend.
My friend Tracy Evans and I got the job as Handlers!
As follower of hers for more than two years, we were all virtual friends.
You see Cassie is kind of Popular. It is really hard to get her from point A to B.
I had to use my school teacher voice a few times so that we didn't stop traffic.
But she is so kind to welcomed each teacher with a hug and posed for pictures.
As you can see a lot of the teachers love to dress Arty Too!
Tracy made these really cool signs that we had at the airport!
Yes, we were those people yelling at her when she arrived!
On Thursday Morning we hit the ground running after fueling ourselves with Coffee,
yes her favorite beverage!
I scouted out a vintage store near the hotel. We also picked up another art celebrity
Ms. Donna Staten who is a Texas art teacher as well as the Queen of Pinterest.
Did you know she now has 500 art teacher boards!
I was so glad my friend and roomie Karen was able to be my supporter
as we all became friends talking about our passion of teaching art.
We returned to the hotel for vendor shopping a lots of Photo talking.
My biggest takeaway was the diversity of the teachers that had their pictures taken with Cassie.
Many had tears in their eyes as they thanked her for her blog, and videos that they say saved them in the classroom when things were not going well, or gave confidence as a new teacher.
We also noticed the different ways that people mentioned following her.
Facebook, Youtube, Pinterest and Twitter along with Instagram.
She mentioned that she doesn't worry about over sharing.
We did a lot of over sharing and you can find the pictures with the hashtag #TAEA16
On Friday we spent the afternoon away from the hotel at the Cowboy Stadium.
Not only is she kind, but she is the cutest art teacher! She can also tell the hilarious stories!!
Goodness my checks still hurt from laughing.
It was so interesting learning about how the artists designed the spaces. The Arlington Public schools have a program for all 5th graders to view the exhibit and have a creating experience tool.
Lucky Kids! Go Cowboys!!
On Friday night after we returned things got a little crazy!
Yes we photo bombed the Future Leaders of America having a crazy sweater photo session.
There might have been a Mannequin challenge too. https://twitter.com/EvansArtHouse/status/799848002403926016
All of these was leading up to Saturday's big day.
Cassie was the keynote speaker Saturday and taught over 75 teacher how to Needle Felt!
Check back tomorrow for more on that!
I just smiled my way through this post!! I miss you guys already!